Sunday, July 30, 2017

I love taking requests at my gigs...especially when I know it! lol

But it's EXTRA special when someone requests one of my own compositions. Then I REALLY know people are digging my music!

Mahalo e Ke Akua!


I love taking requests at my gigs...especially when I know it! lol

But it's EXTRA special when someone requests one of my own compositions. Then I REALLY know people are digging my music!

Mahalo e Ke Akua!



Thursday, July 20, 2017

Here's the link for my Christian Album GoFundMe Campaign:

Log on and make a donation!  Be a part of the contribution to make this dream a reality!

Mahalo nui!

Aloha, Everyone:

I'm embarking on a new future first ever Christian Album!

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This project has been a dream of mine for over 20 years! The time has finally come to make this dream a reality. However, I've decided to do something different this time...I wanted to open the door and offer all of you the opportunity to share in this dream with me. Through your generous donations, you will be testifying your belief in me to minister to others through the gifts God has blessed me with through all these years - the gift of music and song.
Together, this dream... has the potential to change lives, heal broken hearts, comfort those in grief and sorrow, lift people to a new joy, and bring us all together as one family in Christ. It doesn't matter what religion any of us originates from, God's love works through all of us in His own special way. It is through this love that we are joined in perfect harmony.
May God continue to enrich our lives through our gifts. As He has blessed us, may we in turn become a blessing to others - in Jesus' name...Amen!


Aloha, Everyone!

First of all, my apologies for the website being unavailable for some time.  We've discovered some maintenance issues that needed immediate attention.  Good news is that we've managed to squash all the bugs out good!  Hats off to my web designer, Kawikanui Kahele, for an outstanding job!

Stay tuned over the next few months, we'll be working on developing a new and better website for all of you to enjoy.
